Textile Industry | Textile Manufacturer | Textile Factory

a textile manufacturer in China

Textile Industry is a large place at todays world to change the economic condition of a country. For example Bangladesh is changing economically day by day only for textile as their 76% foreign income is from Textile sector.

Here some name of Textile Industry in Bangladesh.

1. Cotton Club BD Ltd.

2. Said Spinning Ltd.

3. Al-haj Karim Textile Mills Ltd.

4. M.M Knit-ware Ltd.

5. Fiber Fashion House Ltd.

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Textile Manufacturer

Textile Finishing Technology

Textile Finishing Machine

Finishing is a chemical or physical textile process used to make the product more attractive to the customers and buyers also.

Finishing may be two types:

1. Physical Finishing

2. Chemical Finishing

Both of these may be classified into two also they are:

a) Temporary Finishing

b) Permanent Finishing

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Textile Finishing Technology

Textile Fiber | Fiber Technology in Textile

Textile fiber is one of the most important factor in textile. Generally it is a Raw Material of textile production.

According to textile institute,

"Textile raw material, generally characterised by flexibility, fineness and higher ratio of length to thickness."